Deltarune Theories Corner

First, to declare my intent:
This webpage is meant to just share my cool ideas about Deltarune while there is still time left on the clock to speculate. I'm not sure if I'll be making Deltarune theories my job, sorry... Anyways, obviously the point in me making and sharing these theories is so that other people can bounce off of it and seriously think for themselves about the ridiculous nonsense I am putting stock into.

However... Deltarune theories and observations aren't the only thing. I also have two personal projects of my own making which I believe may share some story/presentation elements with Deltarune, both of which I've been working on since high school. It was through many inpirations that I came up with a lot of wild stuff for both of them, and while neither of them are ready to tell in their truest form, I might show my hand a little early to draw some comparisons between them and Deltarune, if I believe the possibility of a connection is there. Obviously you don't have to look at them, but I do believe that, through my own creative work, I might have struck upon some similar insights to Toby Fox. However, again, you aren't obligated to care about any of that, and I'll probably mark any discussion about my own work separately from the Deltarune Theories themselves.

Oh... and one more thing. I'm only a single person, while the Deltarune theory community is a very large and talented collective. I think there is a high likelihood that the things I have pointed out here are things someone else may have come up with previously. I haven't really done the research to figure out if these ideas have been talked about before... Unless I state otherwise, I came up with these observations independently, but it doesn't matter too much to me if an idea is attributed to me specifically or not. I like ideas just existing for ideas' sake, and if I knowingly use someone else's work here, I will try to properly credit them.

Here is the current list of theories:

Here is a list of theory channels from which I have pulled inspiration and theory ideas:

And, regarding (POTENTIAL) connections to my own projects:

Contact me at "lawatson" on Discord, or "LAWatson" on Cohost/Mastodon. You can also email me at, but I might be slow to read it.